Wordpress Redirection Plugin Review

Abhijeet Pratap
Managing Redirects with the Redirection Plugin in Wordpress Wordpress is the favorite CMS of millions of users because of its use and flexibility. The CMS offers thousands of plugins that can be used to extend the core functionality of the CMS. Applying redirects can be a bit tricky in Wordpress. You need to use either a plugin or the .htaccess file if you are using apache server. With nginx server, it can be even trickier to create redirects.

Control What Your Website Shares With Google

Abhijeet Pratap
How to control what Google can crawl and show in searches Everyone wants urls from his website to get indexed faster. However, there might be certain types of content or files, which must not appear in the searches. There may be certain pages that might find their way to Google search results but they must not actually be there. It is because not all pages on your website are worth indexing and at least some confidential files deserve to remain hidden from appearing in search results.
SEO for Starters

SEO for Starters

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Optimize Your Blog/Website for Ranking Higher in Searches You started a new blog and want to grow it fast. You have created your blog with your users in mind and want to see your viewership climbing fast. There are a few things you need to keep in mind to grow your website’s organic traffic from Google and other search engines. These things mainly fall under the category of SEO or search engine optimization.

Aws Route 53 Create Hosted Zone

Abhijeet Pratap
AWS Route 53 Create Hosted Zone Amazon ‘s Route 53 is among the fastest DNS services. It is a highly available and scalable DNS service and also highly cost effective. Its globally dispersed DNS server and automatic scaling connect users reliably to your website. It is very easy to set up your hosted zone on route 53. You can customize routing policies to decrease latency and improve application availability. The customers of Route 53 include leading names like McDonald’s, Netflix and Slack.

Aws EC2 Create Security Group

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Create an AWs EC2 Security Group AWS EC2 instances are great for launching your own website since they are flexible, can be easily configured and launched within minutes. However, when you launch an EC2 instance, you also need to assign it a key pair and a security group. In this post, we are going to discuss the role of a security group in terms of managing traffic to and from your instance as well as how to create the security groups.

Enable Keep Alive On Apache Server

Abhijeet Pratap
How to enable keep alive header on Apache Server (Ubuntu 22.04 or Centos7) The Apache server powers the largest number of websites online. It is an open source web server and popular because of its modular structure. There are several modules and other features in Apache that can be used to improve server performance and speed. The Keep Alive header, a general type header, is used to hint at how the header may be used to set a timeout and maximum number of requests.

Sticky Sidebar in Wordpress

Abhijeet Pratap
How to make the sidebar sticky in Wordpress Wordpress is the favorite cms of millions. It is used globally for creating several types of websites including blogs, ecommerce sites and portfolio sites as well as other types of sites. The popularity of Wordpress depends on several factors including the ability to customize nearly every part of your website, the availability of thousands of themes and plugins that help extend website functionality and the flexibility to create awesome looking sites with the CMS.

Disable Directory Listing on Apache Ubuntu 22.04

Abhijeet Pratap
How to disable directory listing in Apache server The Apache server is the most popular web server powering a large part of the websites on the internet. It is popular because of its modular structure. The s server offers several modules that can be used to add or remove functionalities from the server. Modules like expires, headers, rewrite etc can be used to improve speed, and security as well as apply redirects.

Create a Static Site in Hugo

Abhijeet Pratap
How to create a static site in Hugo Hugo is among the most popular static site generators. It is open source and fun to build sites with. There are several more static sites generators including jekyll and Gatsby.js as well as other js based web development frameworks. However, working with Hugo is more fun because it generates websites faster. With hugo, you can generate a site with hundreds of pages in less than a second.

Sample Bar Chart in Apache Echarts

Abhijeet Pratap
Draw Bar Charts in Apache Echarts Echarts is an excellent javascript based charting library for creating various types of charts and provides attractive customizations. It can run well on PCs and mobile devices and is compatible with most of the modern web browsers. Echart uses ZRender, a graphic rendering engine to create highly customizable and interactive charts. Installing Echarts is simple and so is adding data to it. It also allows you to set the size of the canvas using a div element.
Managing Location With Google Search

Managing Location With Google Search

Abhijeet Pratap
Managing location while searching on Google Whenever you search for something like the nearest service station or restaurants near you on Google, you must have seen Google asking for your location. It helps Google deliver more helpful results specific to your location. Suppose you do not enable location services on your mobile device, in that case Google will have to depend on other sources to provide results. However, in that case you may not get appropriate results.

Sample Multi Series Pie Chart Chart.js

Abhijeet Pratap
How to draw a Multi-Series Pie Chart in Chart.js Chart.js is an excellent js based charting library that can be used to draw various chart types including line chart, bar chart, radar chart, bubble chart, pie chart, doughnut chart and other charts including mixed charts. Based on github stars and number of downloads, chart.js is the most popular javascript charting library. It is an open source charting library that can be installed easily on your website or server and used to draw various types of charts.

Move Anchor Ads to Bottom of Screen

Abhijeet Pratap
Move Adsense anchor ads to the bottom of the page on mobile screen Adsense has added a lot of excellent features including the auto ads that allow you to add diverse types of ads including vignette ads and anchor ads with a single pice of code. Auto ads are a very simple method of displaying Adsense advertisements on your website. They offer several advantages including mobile friendly ad formats and ads tailored to your website based on its layout structure and content,
Setup Adsense Auto Ads

Setup Adsense Auto Ads

Abhijeet Pratap
How to set up Adsense Auto Ads on your Website Adsense is Google’s advertising program that allows publishers to earn revenue from their content by monetizing their website and showing advertisements on posts and pages. It is highly popular among publishers and while there are several alternatives in the market, most of them require you to have an adsense account. In a previous post, we have discussed how to apply for an adsense account and get your account approved.

Fix Wordpress Posts Returning 404 Error

Abhijeet Pratap
How to fix Wordpress Posts returning 404 error Sometimes after changing the permalink structure or migrating your domain or domain name change, you may find that the posts have stopped showing and you are instead getting 404 error pages. There can be various causes behind it. You might be able to access the admin area and even your home page may be loading fine. However, when you try to access any posts or another inner link such as the archives, you get a 404 error.

Apply for Adsense

Abhijeet Pratap
How to apply for adsense Adsense is Google’s digital advertising program that heps publishers generate revenue from their content. It is a simple method to earn money from your blog or website by monetizing it with adsense ads. If you have a blog and a nice level of traffic, Adsense can be a good option to generate some revenue from the traffic. Given that you have been creating original and interesting content, generating some revenue from your content would not be difficult.

Noindex vs Disallow

Abhijeet Pratap
What’s the difference between the noindex meta tag and the disallow directive in robots.txt? In terms of SEO, you are required to make some critical decisions regarding how your content gets indexed and presented in search results. While you may want your posts and important pages indexed by Google, you would not want unimportant pages getting indexed. Now, you have to decide whether certain pages have to be indexed or not.
Sample Area Chart in Chart.js

Sample Area Chart in Chart.js

Abhijeet Pratap
How to draw an area chart in chart.js The chart.js javascript charting library is the most popular js based charting library based on Github stars and number of downloads. It is a highly customizable charting library that can be used to create several types of charts including line charts, bar charts, bubble charts, pie charts, mixed charts and area charts as well as several others. The high level of customization using plugins in chart.

Prevent Indexation of Specific Pages on Your Website

Abhijeet Pratap
How to prevent specific pages on your website from being indexed by Google If you are running a blog, you would want Google to crawl and index the post urls. Apart from the home and post urls as well as some static pages like about us and contact page, there are very few that you would want getting indexed and produced in the search results. You can allow Google to crawl all the posts and pages, but getting everything on your website indexed is not essential since while it may cause duplicate content issues, it might also cause your own urls to compete against each other for the same keyword.

Google Policies on Spam

Abhijeet Pratap
Understanding Google’s Spam Policies Google has increased its focus on targeting spam more effectively in recent years. While it had already taken significant steps in this direction in 2022, with its March 2024 core update, Google will be able to filter out spam even efficiently. The latest core update has affected a large number of websites including several that lost a lot of traffic and saw their links being silently deindexed.