Error Establishing Database Connection

Abhijeet Pratap
How to fix error establishing database connection If you are facing an error establishing a database connection, it can be due to multiple reasons. The error occurs when Wordpress is unable to connect to the mysql database. The database sores all the content and information on your wordpress website. So, in case of an error Wordpress cannot connect with the database and cannot show any of the content. As a result you will see a blank screen except for a notice saying there was an error establishing a database connection.

Enable Mod_rewrite Apache

Abhijeet Pratap
The Apache web server is the most popular web server powering millions of websites worldwide. It is a highly flexible web server and its modular structure allows you to extend its functionalities through the use of modules. There are several modules that can be used to enable different functions like mod_header, mod_expires and mod_rewrite. In this post, we are going to discuss mod_rewrite and how to enable it on the Apache server.

Wordpress on Apache Server Ubuntu

Abhijeet Pratap
Install Wordpress Apache Server Ubuntu 22.04 Wordpress is an open source content management system, which is very popular for the high level of flexibility it offers. The CMS is a favorite of millions since you can build just any type of website using Wordpress, It also offers thousands of free themes and plugins to extend website functionality. From portfolio sites to blogs and ecommerce websites, you can build just anything using Wordpress.

Limit or Disable Wordpress Revisions

Abhijeet Pratap
How to limit or completely disable the number of revisions in Wordpress Wordpress offers an in-built revisions feature that allows you to turn back to a post version you have saved previously. It can be a useful feature that if you ever want to turn back to a previous version, you can restore that revision. At some point, everyone may find this feature useful. However, this feature can also add extra overhead to your Wordpress database since every revision gets stored in the database like a new post.

Marketing Channels for Ecommerce Brands

Abhijeet Pratap
Effective Marketing channels for ecommerce businesses When marketing for an ecommerce brand, it is important to select the right channel mix for highest impact. Which marketing channels will work for you depends on the type of products you sell as well as the resources you have, A marketing channel is used to attract new customers as well as engage with existing and new customers. As digital technology has continued to evolve, digital marketing channels are now among the most used channels for ecommerce marketing.

Email Marketing Pros and Cons

Abhijeet Pratap
What is email marketing and why email marketing? Email marketing has remained a marketing channel of choice for businesses seeking to reach a wide audience using cost efficient and effective channels. It is a form of direct marketing that can be used by businesses to promote their products and services, engage customers and form long term customer relationships. There are several digital marketing channels, and email marketing is considered one of the most efficient and effective methods.

Wordpress on Nginx Server

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Install and Run Wordpress on Nginx Server Nginx is a good alternative to Apache and can be used to run Wordpress. Diue to its low hardware requirements, Nginx is considered a good alternative to Apache since they can handle a lot of traffic and because of their low memory needs. You can easily Install Nginx server of Ubuntu 22.04 and then install and run Wordpress on it. In this tutorial, we will show you how to run Wordpress on the Nginx server.

Redirect Non-www to www or www to Non-www

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Redirect from non-www to www or vice versa Most people now use non-www versions of urls for their blogs and websites. While it keeps the url shorter, there is no need to always add the www to the url when typing. If you want to use the non-www versions of urls as the canonical urls on your blog or website, you will need to redirect the www version of your website to the non-www version.

On Page Seo Tips

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Improve On page SEO On-page seo simply means the part of search engine optimization that you carry out in your own website/webpage. For example, everything that you do to make your content and website attractive and useful as well as for a superior user experience counts as on page SEO. Offpage SEO is just the opposite of it and is carried out outside the website. Onpage seo optimizations play a critical role in helping you content rank and are crucial to making your overall SEO strategy successful.
Microsoft and Other OEMs Introduced Copilot+ PCs

Microsoft and Other OEMs Introduced Copilot+ PCs

Abhijeet Pratap
Microsoft and Other OEMs have introduced new CoPilot+ PCs touted as the fastest and smartest Windows PCs ever built Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus (processors) are powering the launch of a latest segment of AI laptop devices delivering Microsoft Copilot+ PC experiences. PCs with Snapdragon X Elite and X Plus can deliver, multiple days of battery life, unequalled performance and efficiency for improved productivity and creativity with unique AI experiences powered by the world’s fastest NPU for laptops at 45 TOPS and leading performance per watt.

Perplexity Brings Tech Veterans Into Advisory Board

Abhijeet Pratap
According to a Bloomberg Report, Perplexity AI is adding several high profile tech veterans to its advisory board. Perplexity AI is an AI startup that came into being in 2022 and whose purpose is to build an AI search engine that will rival Google’s search engine. The main aim of the company behind bringing tech veterans onboard is to help the company improve its competitive position. Started in August 2022, with the release of Ask, Perplexity’s AI answer engine, the company grew fast to more than 2 million monthly active users in only four months.

Delete Transients Using Wp Cli

Abhijeet Pratap
How to delete transients in Wordpress using WP-CLI In Wordpress, transients are used to cache data for a specific period of time. The transients have a fixed maximum lifetime after which they expire and get deleted. Transient data in Wordpress is stored only temporarily. However, sometimes you may need to manage transients manually or using a plugin because issues may crop up with transients. For example, despite having cleared your cache, you may see that the popular posts or share counts are not showing up.

Speed Up Wordpress With Redis Object Cache

Abhijeet Pratap
Install Redis Object Cache on Apache Server Ubuntu 22.04 Wordpress is an awesome content management system that is used by millions across the globe to power their sites. It works with a mysql or mariadb database. However, Wordpress websites need to be cached to load faster. Otherwise, they will load slow and can load very slow if you are using too many plugins on your website. It is also recommended to use some form of object cache with your wordpress website.

Wordpress Redirection Plugin Review

Abhijeet Pratap
Managing Redirects with the Redirection Plugin in Wordpress Wordpress is the favorite CMS of millions of users because of its use and flexibility. The CMS offers thousands of plugins that can be used to extend the core functionality of the CMS. Applying redirects can be a bit tricky in Wordpress. You need to use either a plugin or the .htaccess file if you are using apache server. With nginx server, it can be even trickier to create redirects.

Control What Your Website Shares With Google

Abhijeet Pratap
How to control what Google can crawl and show in searches Everyone wants urls from his website to get indexed faster. However, there might be certain types of content or files, which must not appear in the searches. There may be certain pages that might find their way to Google search results but they must not actually be there. It is because not all pages on your website are worth indexing and at least some confidential files deserve to remain hidden from appearing in search results.
SEO for Starters

SEO for Starters

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Optimize Your Blog/Website for Ranking Higher in Searches You started a new blog and want to grow it fast. You have created your blog with your users in mind and want to see your viewership climbing fast. There are a few things you need to keep in mind to grow your website’s organic traffic from Google and other search engines. These things mainly fall under the category of SEO or search engine optimization.

Aws Route 53 Create Hosted Zone

Abhijeet Pratap
AWS Route 53 Create Hosted Zone Amazon ‘s Route 53 is among the fastest DNS services. It is a highly available and scalable DNS service and also highly cost effective. Its globally dispersed DNS server and automatic scaling connect users reliably to your website. It is very easy to set up your hosted zone on route 53. You can customize routing policies to decrease latency and improve application availability. The customers of Route 53 include leading names like McDonald’s, Netflix and Slack.

Aws EC2 Create Security Group

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Create an AWs EC2 Security Group AWS EC2 instances are great for launching your own website since they are flexible, can be easily configured and launched within minutes. However, when you launch an EC2 instance, you also need to assign it a key pair and a security group. In this post, we are going to discuss the role of a security group in terms of managing traffic to and from your instance as well as how to create the security groups.

Enable Keep Alive On Apache Server

Abhijeet Pratap
How to enable keep alive header on Apache Server (Ubuntu 22.04 or Centos7) The Apache server powers the largest number of websites online. It is an open source web server and popular because of its modular structure. There are several modules and other features in Apache that can be used to improve server performance and speed. The Keep Alive header, a general type header, is used to hint at how the header may be used to set a timeout and maximum number of requests.

Sticky Sidebar in Wordpress

Abhijeet Pratap
How to make the sidebar sticky in Wordpress Wordpress is the favorite cms of millions. It is used globally for creating several types of websites including blogs, ecommerce sites and portfolio sites as well as other types of sites. The popularity of Wordpress depends on several factors including the ability to customize nearly every part of your website, the availability of thousands of themes and plugins that help extend website functionality and the flexibility to create awesome looking sites with the CMS.