Pepsi Social Media Marketing Strategy

Abhijeet Pratap
A look at ths social media marketing strategy of Pepsi Pepsico is among the two largest brands in the soda beverages industry. It is one of the most iconic and recognizable brands in the industry that has seen a very high level of success through its excellent marketing strategy. Its emotional branding has helped it grow its popularity and customer loyalty across the globe. More than a billion times a day consumers enjoy products by Pepsico across 200 countries.

Google Search Alternatives

Abhijeet Pratap
Here is a list of search engines that includes the ones you can use as an alternative to Google’s search engine. Microsoft Bing Description: Microsoft owned Bing search engine is the closest competitor of Google’s search engine. Microsoft has continued to improve Bing to offer richer results. However, the market share of Bing is still much lower compared to that of Google. Bing offers web search, image search, video search, and map search.

Really Simple Ssl

Abhijeet Pratap
How to enable ssl on your website using Really Simple SSL plugin SSL is an essential feature now for any site including the sites made using Wordpress. If you do not have ssl installed on your website, Google will show a warning in the browser. SSL is a sign of trust and also important from the SEO perspective since search engines such as Google prefer websites with ssl. SSL becomes even more important for websites that deal in sensitive information like the personal details of customers, payment details and so on.

How to Check Server Info

Abhijeet Pratap
How to create and use the phpinfo.php file Often while troubleshooting a problem or installing Wordpress, users seek information regarding which version of PHP they are using as well as other server related information. Apart from PHP, users may need information regarding MySQL and the OS being used. For users who do not have information about the phpinfo file, this information may be difficult to find. However, they can easily find this information without having to search their site for long or without asking their host.

Importance of Backlinks in Seo

Abhijeet Pratap
What is a backlink? Backlinks are links to your blog from other websites pointing to blog pages. These links are also called inbound links and play a crucial role in terms of SEO and boosting search rankings. Backlinks are considered central to SEO and you might have heard this term quite often during SEO discussions. It is because these backlinks are like a vote of confidence from other sites and send signals to search engines that the content on your website is valuable and authoritative.

Apache Server on Amazon Linux 2

Abhijeet Pratap
How to install Apache web server on Amazon Linux 2 In this tutorial, we will show you how to run Apache web server on an EC2 Instance with Amazon Linux 2 Machine Image. An Amazon Machine Image is a machine image offered by AWS that contains all the information required to launch an EC2 instance. You will need to select a Machine Image when you launch an EC2 Instance and you can launch several instances from a single machine image if you need similar configuration on all of them.

Effective Ways to Gather Customer Feedback

Abhijeet Pratap
How to collect customer feedback effectively Customer feedback plays a crucial role in terms of improving user experience, understanding the needs and wants of your target audience better, and for making informed business decisions to achieve higher success. Customer feedback offers several advantages and is critical to continuously improving business processes, growing customer loyalty and eliminating pain points. Businesses must focus on gathering customer feedback effectively since it is critical to maintaining their competitive edge and market position in this hypercompetitive business world.

Schedule Posts in Wordpress

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Schedule Posts in Wordpress for publication on a Future Date. Wordpress is an excellent content management system that offers a very high degree of flexibility in terms of making and managing websites. It is an excellent open source platform for blogging that offers several excellent features from publishing posts to seo, revenue management and so on. Wordpress websites are also highly customizable because of the availability of themes and plugins to extend website functionality and manage its appearance.

Importance of Customer Feedback

Abhijeet Pratap
Importance and Benefits of Customer Feedback Customer feedback is a critical aspect of doing business in a hypercompetitive and highly digitalized business environment. It is crucial for it helps you build a deeper understanding of customer needs and preferences. Apart from that it also helps you know how happy and satisfied your customers are with your business. Customer feedback can help you gain valuable insights to improve your products and services, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as find faster business growth.

Prevent Image Hotlinking Wordpress

Abhijeet Pratap
How to Enable Image Hotlinking Protection for Your Wordpress Website Hotlinking is the practice of linking to a file hosted on another website without proper authorization or without downloading it and hosting on your own server. Quite frequently people may hotlink to images hosted on other websites, This is done to save their own bandwidth and server resources but it can prove costly for the website hosting the file originally. While images are mostly hotlinked on the web, there are other file types too that can be hotlinked.

How to Remove Pages Faster From Google Index

Abhijeet Pratap
Remove Indexed pages from Google’s index faster There are several situations where you may quickly want to remove urls from google index. Sometimes there are urls that were not to be indexed but got indexed because you forgot to apply the noindex tag there. In another case, if your website got hacked and now your search console is full of spam urls, you want them to quickly get deindexed. In any case, if you need urls to be quickly removed from Google index, you must use the url removal tool.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Surveys

Abhijeet Pratap
Pros and Cons of Digital/Online Surveys Digital technology has helped companies improve customer experience in several ways. It is helping them provide better customer service and quickly gather feedback about their products and services from the customers. Digital tools are helping businesses understand consumer preferences and make improvements to their products and services. Continuous improvement is critical to winning in a hypercompetitive environment and consumer feedback is critical to gaining an edge.

Coca Cola Social Media Strategy

Abhijeet Pratap
A Look at Coca Cola social media strategy Coca Cola is among the world’s largest sparkling beverages brands. Its main rival is Pepsico. Apart from its vast range of products that includes more than 500 beverages and several market leading beverage brands, the company is also known for its excellent focus on marketing. Coca Cola was founded in 1892 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The company has experienced a lot of growth over the past several years.
Apple Social Media Strategy

Apple Social Media Strategy

Abhijeet Pratap
A Brief Look at Apple’s Minimalistic and Effortless Social Media Strategy Apple is among the largest technology businesses in the world. It is renowned globally as the maker of the iPhone and other innovative products like Macbook and Vision Pro. Apart from technological innovation, the company is known for its great marketing strategy and excellent brand image as well as customer centricity. Since the days of its foundation, the company has been hailed as a leader in terms of technological innovation.
How to Use Cyberduck to Connect to Server

How to Use Cyberduck to Connect to Server

Abhijeet Pratap
How to upload and download files from Server using SFTP Client Cyberduck Cyberduck is a popular FTP/SFTP client used for connecting to servers and uploading and downloading files. If you want to upload or download files from the server, you can use cyberduck to safely connect to your server over SFTP and download or upload the files. The software is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. In this article, we will show you how to use Cyberduck to upload and download files from the server.

Social Media Marketing Benefits for Small Businesses

Abhijeet Pratap
How important is social media marketing for small businesses Social media platforms continue to enjoy a large share of the digital marketing spotlight driven by their role as powerful stages allowing businesses to interact with their audiences globally. The number of social media users continues to grow and was estimated to be at 4.9 billion globally in 2023. By 2027, this number is expected to reach 5.85 billion. Users are not limited to a particular platform but their digital footprint spans six to seven social media platforms.

Fix Indexed Though Blocked by Robots.txt

Abhijeet Pratap
How to fix indexed though blocked by robots.txt If you have seen the warning - indexed though blocked by robots.txt - inside the google search console, it means there are pages on your blog/website that have been indexed despite their crawling being blocked through the robots.txt file. The robots.txt file contains allow and disallow directives to let search crawlers know which pages they need to crawl and which pages they must not.

Analytics Plugins Wordpress

Abhijeet Pratap
Best Analytics plugins for wordpress Google analytics is an indispensable tool for bloggers and website owners. Tracking user behavior, number of visitors and other several important metrics important to understanding website performance and traffic is easily possible using Google analytics. If you are a Wordpress user, you can find several Google analytics plugins in the repository to install GA4 code on your website. In this post we will list some of the best plugins for inserting GA4 code in wordpress and tracking traffic and user behavior.

Sample Bubble Chart in Chart Js

Abhijeet Pratap
How to draw a bubble chart in chart.js Chart.js is the most popular javascript based charting library used to draw various types of charts easily including basic bar charts, stacked bar charts, pie charts, doughnut charts, bubble charts, mixed charts and so on. The chart.js library is popular because of its simplicity and ease of use. You do not need to be a master of javascript to use chart.js and you can easily insert charts drawn with the help of chart.

Local Google Analytics in Wordpress

Abhijeet Pratap
Host Google Analytics Locally in Wordpress Google analytics is crucial to measuring your website performance. Bloggers and website owners mostly depend on Google analytics code to measure website visits and other user data. However, the code can slow down your website a bit. Hosting Google analytics locally can help you speed up your website. BY hosting Google analytics locally, you can avoid extra DNS lookups as well as fix the leverage browser caching issue caused by the GA4 script.